
  • 5" Tall x 4.75" Wide x 3/8-7/8" Thick

Material options:


FACET is a family of 4 tiles, all equilateral triangles but of different depths, enabling infinite combinations and patterns for the ultimate in design flexibility.

Patterns can be hexagonal or linear. It can even be used to sculpt larger 3 dimensional shapes.

SHORT is a uniform 3/8” thickness

TALL is a uniform 7/8” thickness

PEAK has two corners at 3/8” and one at 7/8”

RIDGE has one corner at 3/8” and one at 7/8”


Available colors are NATUR, IRON, BUFF, SMOKE, SAGE, ROSE and SKY. These are achieved through integral pigments, so the color cannot wear off or be chipped way.


UnsealedMatte SealedGloss Sealed
Interior Feature WallsOOO
Commercial and Office SettingsOOO
Institutional and Education OO
Powder Backsplash OO
Bathroom Walls OO
Exterior Walls (Non-Freezing) OO
Kitchen Backsplashes O
Food Service Areas O